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Language English Lesson about common error part I

Bentuk-bentuk penggunaan yang salah (common error)

Kesalahan penggunaan preposisi

Kesalahan penggunaan preposisi setelah kata-kata tertentu dalam bahasa inggris sering terjadi, tanpa sengaja. Berikut adalah kata-kata yang paling sering mengganggu.

1. Absorbed (sangat tertarik, asyik) in, bukan absorbed at

The man was absorbed at his work (wrong)

The man was absorbed in his work (right)

2. Accuse of, bukannya accuse for

He accused the man for stealing (false)

He accused the man of stealing (true)


Tetapi charge, menggunakan with, contoh: the man was charged with murder.

3. Accustomed to not accustomed with

I am accustomed with hot weather (wrong)

I am accustomed to hot weather (right)

Note :

Juga used to, example: he is used to the beat

4. Afraid of (not) afraid from

The girl is afraid from the dog (false)

The girl is afraid of the dog (true)

5. Aim at (not) aim on atau aim against

He aimed on the bird (wrong)

He aimed against the bird (wrong)

He aimed at bird (right)

Notes: preposisi at sering kali digunakan untuk menunjukkan arah seperti: throw at, shout at, fire at, tetapi shoot tanpa at berarti membunuh (to kill). Example: He shot a bird (dia memukul dan membunuhnya)

6. Angry with, bukan angry against

The teacher was angry against him (wrong)

The teacher was angry with him (right)

Notes: kita menggunakan angry with untuk seseorang, sedangkan angry at, untuk sesuatu.

Annoyed with, vexed with, indignant with, digunakan untuk orang sedangkan annoyed at digunakan untuk benda.

7. Anxious (terganggu) about, bukannya anxious for

They are anxious for his health (wrong)

The are anxious about his health (right)

Notes: anxious yang berarti wishing very much menggunakan for, example: Parents are anxious for their children.

8. Arrive at bukan arrive to

We arrived to Cindaga village at night (wrong)

We arrived at Cindaga village at night (right)

Notes: Arrive in digunakan untuk negara atau kota besar:

Example: Mr Smith has arrive in london (New York, India, etc)

9. Ashamed of bukannya ashamed from

He is now ashamed from his conduct (wrong)

He is now ashamed of his conduct (right)

Notes: dalam arti shy, ashamed of tidak tepat digunakan, daripada mengatakan I am ashamed of my teacher, hendaknya anda mengatakan I am shy my teacher.

10. Believe in, bukannya believe to

Christians believe to Jesus Christ (wrong)

Christians believe in Jesus Christ (right)

Notes: to believe in berarti memiliki keyakinan, sedangkan to believe (tanpa in) berarti menghormati sebagai benar. Contoh I quite believe what he says.

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